Amen to that.
I have short hair. Unless I go to an actual barber (and a lot of them are weird about cutting women’s hair) I pay between $30–80 for a cut that looks a lot like the ones my teenage boy students get for $8.
As to the overall point of the article, not only does women’s stuff cost more, women are expected to have/use more stuff.
Makeup is not optional in a lot of professions. High heels either. Even if women buy men’s razors, the expectation that they will shave their legs means they will wear them out quicker and be forced to purchase more. Perfume. Handbags. Scarves. Wedding dresses. Party dresses… there are a lot of things our culture expects women to purchase in order to perform femininity. None of them are cheap.
My husband bought a decent suit ($400) and can now wear it to every wedding, dinner party, etc indefinitely. I’m supposed to buy a damn dress every time? Arrrggggh